About Us
Shopy2Go is a software as a service (SaaS) company which enables any size retail to enter the digital age through mobile first.You are not interested in one time sales! Neither are we. We are interested in strategic partnership, this is why our business model is structured to focus on things which matter most. You! Keeping you a head of the innovation curve, your bottom line and growth through mobile channel.
Shoppers use their mobile devices more than any other device to visit a digital commerce site.
Bob Ilievski founded the company in April 2016 and launched its first app and service in December 2016 with the vision to simplify the mobile shopping experience.

Bob – Head Honcho

Maxim – Architect & Web Ninja
Australian Office
51 New Rd, Oak Park
Melbourne VIC 3046, Australia
Tel : +61 (0) 416 131 788
Swedish Office
Uddbyvägen 23
135 55 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel : +46 (08) 51970318