
Advantages Of A Pre-Designed E-commerce Website

Many businesses out there look to taking their product on the internet but are faced with the possible complexity that comes with an e-commerce website design. Despite the huge sales return from an e-commerce website, some business owners still find the technicality quite overwhelming for them to handle and for this reason, they decide to […]


We live in an age often called the information age or digital age, where there is a rapid shift from the conventional or traditional industry to an economy founded upon information technology. Everything we do is gradually becoming computerised. This digital era has slowly changed our approach towards marketing, but this has been often times, […]

Excess Inventory Reduction Strategies

Excess inventory is a term in inventory management that arises basically from poor management of the general life-cycle stages of a product or its stock demand. Excess inventory can as be referred to as overstock, excessive stock or excess2sell. Having excess inventory generally places a lot of strain on the organisational resources in trying to […]

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