We live in an age often called the information age or digital age, where there is a rapid shift from the conventional or traditional industry to an economy founded upon information technology. Everything we do is gradually becoming computerised. This digital era has slowly changed our approach towards marketing, but this has been often times, approached wrongly.

In this article, some of these common misconceptions towards digital marketing approach will be discussed. And they are:

  • The way digital marketing is treated separately from the traditional marketing approach.

Often times, organisations tend to see digital marketing platforms, like social media, websites etc. as a supplementary unit of the whole marketing structure, and usually fail to focus as many resources in making it a success. Organisations do not seem to understand that e-commerce solution is an integral part of their marketing system, owing to the fact that we live in a digital world. Putting as much attention in the digital as much as in the traditional marketing approach is necessary. Both of which pose tremendous benefit and can be considered complementary to each other.

  • Engaging in too many digital channels that can be handled.

This is one common mistake; usually, due to the presence of so many media platforms, it can be hard to stay on just one. When you engage in so many media channels, you easily lose track regarding keeping your page up to date and uploading new sales and products. Choosing the ideal social media for your product is important, that way you get to reach out better to your target audience and also effectively keep them up to date with promotions and special offers. As an organisation, you could even launch a website, that way you can fully bring your product to the online world; more like your shop on the web (starting an online store). With the level of advancement in technology, there are so many organisations that can create a free e-commerce website and provide you with the appropriate e-commerce website design to best fit the nature of products and services in your online store. Having the right social media platform and website dedicated to your products and services gives customers the better assurance of what you have to offer and where to easily find you.


  • Poorly Designed websites

This is another common mistake; the display of your site is not flexible. The e-commerce website design should be mobile friendly; this is extremely important. People carry mobile phones because they are very handy, and people generally access the web through these mobile phones. Now, imagine if they had to keep scrolling back and forth to view a page, or finding it difficult to navigate through your website looking for what they want. It can be such a turn-off, and you already begin to lose customers. A mobile-friendly site is key to the success of any e-commerce website.


  • Mobile app. One very useful and often overlooked digital channel is the mobile app. Mobile applications are very flexible. Customers get real-time notifications through these apps about new products and services (it is a mobile commerce). It is accessible anywhere and convenient if properly managed. The beauty of this is, there are a lot of app building software. These phone app creators will design the mobile app platform for you easily and at very minimal cost.


  • Talking to too many customers. This can be reckless and has an overall downside to the way customers generally see your organisation. You need to know who and who to talk to so that you can properly channel your attention to these set of people. People come from different locations and with different exposure. Understanding this will help you narrow down your target audience better, be more personalised, open, honest and transparent. It is all about building relationships with your customers, and what better way to approach this if not by making them feel special and important. Organisations often think marketing is all about getting as many customers as possible. But things work differently now; now customers want to be heard and understood. Customers need to know that their opinion matters a lot. Building a good customer relationship and not just acquiring a larger number of customer base is important. Focus on the vital few and not the trivial many.

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