
Tips On Improving Your Overall Conversion Rate From Your Website Traffic

Almost every business owner if not all, is taking their businesses online and joining the e-commerce world. Through marketing campaigns from search engines (SEO and SEM), social media and email marketing, these e-commerce websites are able to attract a large number of audience to their sites one way or another. But then the success of […]

6 Common Mistakes That Business Owners Run Into

So many businesses are faced with a number of challenges, some get through them while some others are setback and possibly come crashing down because of these mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are overlooked, believing that it is not an issue until it grows to become a major challenge. Some of them are discussed below; A […]

Important Features of an E-commerce system

With the pace at which the digital world is expanding, people are now taking their business online, giving them a much wider audience and more campaign strategies. When taking your business online, you have to ponder on your ecommerce website design and not only that; there are some important features that constitute the essence of […]


We live in an age often called the information age or digital age, where there is a rapid shift from the conventional or traditional industry to an economy founded upon information technology. Everything we do is gradually becoming computerised. This digital era has slowly changed our approach towards marketing, but this has been often times, […]

E-commerce Best Practices: Building an Online Store

A lot has changed over the last decade. The digital age is here to stay, bringing the world closer to us. Buying and selling is no exception to this. Shoppers can conveniently go online and shop for what they need in a friendly shopping environment at the comfort of their home, likewise for the retailers […]

Excess Inventory Reduction Strategies

Excess inventory is a term in inventory management that arises basically from poor management of the general life-cycle stages of a product or its stock demand. Excess inventory can as be referred to as overstock, excessive stock or excess2sell. Having excess inventory generally places a lot of strain on the organisational resources in trying to […]

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